Coached Workplace Development

Boost your career options by achieving a qualification in the workplace and get the recognition that you deserve!  

What is Coached Workplace Development?

At Macquarie Training we support you in your own workplace to achieve Unit Standards that build towards NZQA accredited and approved National Certificate and Diploma qualifications. With our Coached Workplace Development programmes, we tailor your qualification to what your strengths and current requirements are, and to what will best benefit you and your employer. We will also investigate whether any prior learning can be recognised and used towards your framework. 
Upon commencement of your programme we will personally deliver your resources and materials to you and spend time with you in your work environment to go through the requirements of each of your assessments. To get you started, we will work through your first assessment with you onsite to achieve your first credits where possible.
With 100% support from us, you will then continue to work through your remaining assessments at your own pace.  Your framework will be designed so that many of your assessments can be completed by providing the documents you create while performing everyday workplace tasks.
Unit Standards are assessed using a variety of methods:
v Through traditional knowledge tests
v By providing evidence of previously completed tasks
v By involving your supervisor and/or manager to verify specific skills
No spending hours slaving over textbooks!
No learning skills that aren’t relevant to your job!
Unlike classroom learning, there are no textbooks, lectures or exams.  We recognise that by being in the workforce, you already hold a vast amount of skills in various areas.  Our assessments draw out this knowledge, while enhancing your awareness of the procedures and requirements of your organisation, and assist you with identifying quality initiatives to improve practices and processes.  You will learn and grow through this process and your organisation will benefit from your growth.  There is nothing generic about your programme, it is all learning with a purpose. 
Our nationally recognised Certificates and Diplomas take between 6 and 24 months to complete, at a pace of approximately one - two hours per week. You can choose your desired timeframe at the commencement of your programme.

We work both with individuals, and on team projects of any size. Group programmes can be customised to meet your organisation’s requirements

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